Friday 14 February 2014

upside down picasso

#2 Journal/Reflection Contour Upsidedown 
Please discuss why drawing an image upside-down shifts our brain mode from left to 
right, language to spacial respectively. Also, discuss your use of the grid, and explain 
the concept of the Grid. Make sure you write about the considerations you made 
while working on your composition. Don't forget to "click" on the button "submit 
assignment" after you have drag and dropped the PDF document into the window (as 
discussed in class) . Make sure that you have inserted an image (small) of your artwork 
into the word document so I can see what you are talking about. 
 The left is the analytical and the more technical side of the brain, while the 
right is the more creative and freely expressed. So with this in mind I believe 
that making the flip on the paper, confusing the left “more logical brain” 
activates the right brain to try and complete the task of drawing an image 
upside down. Instead of focusing on getting every exact detail with the left 
side, the right side attempts to creatively replicate the Picasso image. I also 
noticed that while I was doing the drawing, I had to focus entirely on the 
drawing only and nothing else. I usually listen to music while I draw but for this 
assignment, I didn’t even notice any music was playing. I was completely 
absorbed in trying to match the grid and where the lines were on the image. I 
don’t think I got it completely but it’s the best my right brain can do. The grid 
to me wasn’t very helpful; I didn’t really use any of it, except for the larger 
horizontal and vertical lines. So basically I only used a four square grid to try 
and copy the drawing. Although this assignment was a little more difficult for 
me, I really enjoyed doing this attempt because it really made me analyze and 
scrutinize what I put into a piece, and not just look at what looks good. (if that 
makes sense.) 

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